From President Neil
Last week's meeting:
A vibrant lively meeting with 3 young 12 year old presenters who engaged us totally in the story of their card game Swipee which they started developing when they were in Year 5 and which has now achieved world wide distribution.I'm we will be hearing more about these young boys in the future!
Monday night's meeting:
Our first speaker will be David Egan who will be updating us on the status of the Zone 8 Regionalisation Project now that it has officially become a Pilot. There has been a lot happening and he will have some important information to share.
As part of the restructure of Zone 8, you will be aware that we are now part of Rotary Community Group 7, which includes the clubs in the old Group 10 plus Strathalbyn, Gawler, Gawler Light and Barossa. Pauline represented me at the first meeting of this new group. All Community Groups at their first meeting were encouraged to develop a Growth Plan. After David has spoken, Pauline will briefly present this plan, as the plans have to be ratified by all clubs in a group before they can go ahead.
Please recognise the importance of keeping informed about the future of Rotary in Australia and in our immediate area and really try to be there if you can.
Board Meeting:
Attached to this email are the minutes of the last board meeting.
Latest news - what's happening and how you can help.
The Upcoming Events list to the left shows you both meeting and event information for the next couple of months. You will notice that there are sub committees meeting regularly off-site to further progress our major events - the Small Acreage Field Days being the next big focus.
Rotary Says No To Domestic Violence -Walk For Respect
This important peaceful parade will be happening on Saturday September 14. It is a whole of District event. We are hoping once again to partner with The Hut for this walk from Victoria Square to Elder Park. Please see John Norris if you would like to represent Stirling Rotary.

50TH Anniversary Dinner
This milestone of our club will be celebrated at the Stirling Hotel on Monday September 16. You will have received your invitation from John Goslett. Please let him or Michelle know if you are coming.Cost is $50 pp - please pay into the Club account.
We have been given 6 dates for the Laneways season, the first of which is September 22. If you are able to help (particularly with this first date) please add your names to the list that will be circulating at the meeting. Thank you to those of you who added their names last week.
Know any interesting speakers?
You will notice that there still a couple of meeting nights with no speaker organised. If you know of an interesting speaker, please let Dick know.
The ClubRunner App has been upgraded and now has a number of new features. One of these is the ability to sign up and register for events - a much easier option for those of you who use your phones a lot. Please take the time to explore what the App has to offer - it is downloadable from the App Store or Google Play depending on which brand of phone you have. You will need to sign in the first time with your ClubRunner user name and password. Hint: after you have signed in, leave it signed in on your phone - much quicker to use every time if you do.